
The only things I’ve published anywhere but on my own platforms up til now have been letters to editors. But writing is the one thing I’ve consistently done since before I graduated high school. Other people didn’t notice (well, unless I was writing to them) until everyone got on the internet because I wasn’t producing material for sale.

I decided to put more effort into writing to be seen, writing to educate, and writing for pay. Might as well.

Here is my Substack: Earthbound Misfit

I had trouble for many months with keeping up my Substack because I lived where there was pretty much no signal and had to actually leave the house to get a good internet connection, even on a mobile network. I have now moved to a completely different living situation, so that problem’s been solved. Originally I aimed to publish on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Anymore I do a music post every Monday (don’t get excited; it’s not my music) and then put up articles as the spirit moves me.

I’d like to explore writing other things. We’ll see. I already have too many interests and no time to chase them all. But I do type fast (100+ wpm if alphabetical only), so that’s a plus.

If you want to see updates about my writing projects, check out the category writer on my blog. If there’s stuff there, I’ve written about it. So to speak.