
I see I get hits from Victoria every now and again.

If that’s you, I sent you an email at your subversive dot org email address some days ago. I don’t know how often you check that thing, so maybe you haven’t seen it.

Saw you in photos in MM’s recent piece. Good to see you going to bat for women, but given how you’ve treated me, I find it difficult to take it very seriously. Interested in MM maybe? She’s cute, I’ll give her that. (No lesbo.)

You make me sad. I don’t like people making me sad. I already had people making me sad, and you just made it that much worse. What did I really do to deserve that? Really?

EVEN NOW we could sort this out. If you wanted to. If you felt I was worth the risk.

Will you? Probably not.

Administrivia: 07 July 2024

Finally! I have everything back up except the few photos, and I’ll get those when I get ’em. I INTEND to get that done a lot more quickly, after posting this post, than I had been in getting the site back up in the first place.

Never fear. I had everything backed up, including my own little system for remembering where to stick the photos, before Old Host went down. This place was never in any danger unless my hard drive got wi-AVERT AVERT NEVER MIND but anyway, things looked optimistic and, turns out, deservedly so. Whew.

I really need to update the photo on the front page. My hair’s longer, for one thing. Will I? Who fucking knows.

Oh, um, shit. I didn’t put my bottom menu back yet. Let me go do that. Onward!